Instalation see How to apply, if there is an error please read it again.
Since there are limitations to API calls from openweather, I suggest creating your own api_key and then overwrite the one in or to avoid error (appears Null )
You can create it for free at Openweathermap
Check out my profile for other cool conky themes for your desktop...
For GNOME ( or KDE ) users, if there is a problem with the background image (PNG) that looks faded or transparent, please change it in this config
draw_blended = false,
own_window_argb_visual = false,
own_window_transparent = true,
Try experimenting with replacing it with true or false, if suddenly Conky doesn't appear don't panic, just undo and restart Conky
Check out my most downloaded themes :
1) Mimosa Dark - Conky theme
2) Sirius - Conky theme
3) Alterf - Conky theme
4) Regulus Dark - Conky theme
5) Shelyak - Conky theme
6) Mimosa Dark ( Calendar version ) - Conky theme
Maybe you want to Buy me a coffee to ged rid of sleepiness :-)
See also other themes from Leonis - Conky themes pack :
- Shelyak - Conky theme
- Chertan - Conky theme
- Alterf - Conky theme
- Izar - Conky theme
- Naos - Conky theme
- Denebola - Conky theme
- Rasalas - Conky theme
Font Source :
Lua script from
Bargraph : wlourf
Note :
- Wallpaper selection can affect the appearance of the theme
- I've only tried it on XFCE and Openbox, and everything works flawlessly
For some DEs sometimes there are a few problems with themes that use background images (png),
until now I haven't been able to provide a solution, so please try experimenting yourself
Ratings & Comments
9 love it, simple bautiful theme
Thank you, is it working correctly?
Hi, nice Theme but i ran in some problems. first the transparency is nearly invisible not like yours. and second the "Day Dots" and the "Today's in is ,with temperature, Windspeed" is showing also nothing but the text u define. No Cesius nothing. The Weather Icon on sirius2 is also not showing. I entered myown api and my town id. but the only widget that is showing the right Celsius is the one next to the network meter. Any help with that? Greetings B7
Transparency problems usually occur in Gnome which until now I don't know how to solve...
Ah no problem i change to a darker wallpaper and i'm fine with that. thanks
For the second issue, it usually occurs because you don't put the Sirius folder in ~/.config/conky, please check again.
The folder is in /home/black7en/.config/conky/ i can't figure it out.
if the weather data that appears is Null, then please replace the apikey in with your own, you can make it for free at which you can only use a few hours later..
9 9 excellent
Thanks for the rate.. 👍
9 9 excellent
Hi closebox73x, I really liked this theme, congratulations for the work! I just have two questions, could you help me? the first is that the squares didn't have that black transparency like yours, they were almost completely transparent and without color, do you know how to solve this? and the second question is how can I change the username? (here on mine is showing your username: closebox73x) Thank you for your help!
Are you use Gnome? For username replace closebox73 with ${execi 600 whoami}, i will update this theme soon
8 8 great
9 9 excellent
9 9 excellent
Hello closebox73x Thank you for all yours conky`s theme; they are really a candy for the eyes. But in come themes i can`t make them work - i am using ubuntu budgie 22.04 and for example the boxes in this theme dosen`t show; also the dots in Sirius (1) don `t appear. Any help would be apreciatted Thanks
for first issue : After I checked the config, I don't think there's anything wrong. Let's just wait maybe there are other comments second issue : have you installed all fonts in fonts folder?
thank you for your time...i doubled checked the fonts and all are installed...i really think is some conky variable that is not working (or has to be added) in ubuntu ... and in others conkyies (yours and from other authors) the problem is the same...not displayng dots, lines, grafs, specific windows... again thanks; i will continue to tweak the conkyrc file and maybe i can get it to work
Hi ravenos, I was having the same problem as you and I solved the problem by leaving the path to the configuration file (Sirius.conf) exactly like this: ~/.config/conky/Sirius/Sirius.conf. See if the Sirius folder is not inside another folder (which is what happened in my case, it was inside a folder called "Sirius-v2.4").
I figured this out after looking at what was in the '' file.
A very nice theme, thank you!
You're welcome..