Hello, thank you for all the works you do. But without wanting to hurt you, I don't understand why your countless productions appear on this site for Gnome while you produce for KDE / Plasma. Could you please stop posting here. Every day you monopolize space with productions that don't interest the Gnome user that I am and I think it's the same for other users of Gnome. This website is Gnome-Look, not Plasma-Look.
Thank you for considering this request.
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Hello, thank you for all the works you do. But without wanting to hurt you, I don't understand why your countless productions appear on this site for Gnome while you produce for KDE / Plasma. Could you please stop posting here. Every day you monopolize space with productions that don't interest the Gnome user that I am and I think it's the same for other users of Gnome. This website is Gnome-Look, not Plasma-Look. Thank you for considering this request.
Hi frederic314, There is, believe me, no other place where I would publish GTK Themes for GTK applications in KDE Plasma. Greeting,