KDE3+Keramik se sale
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mi e-mail es 100011988@alumnos.uc3m.es
A ver si me explicas como has hecho esto con el linux. Soy un apasionado del Mac y me encantar
its great, you made me impress... i hope you can share it with me... where can i find cool icons and skins like yours.... thanks.... bye
Hi i have searched the web with google for the skin and found it here : http://art.softshape.com/?page=skins&id=8 Have Phun, Martin.
Man the combination of ICOSX icons adn Crystal is amazing. THe new crystal doesen't looka s good as the classical in some places (ie: trash, clear desktop, help and other icons look just too cartoonish and colorful. MacOSX has the best icons I've ever layed eyes on.) However, there are some great Crystal icons too. Also is tehre w ay to adjust how deep the and how light the shadow is? HTe XP shadow slook the best. Also, I think we should port all the OSX icons to LInux. After all, apple stole half 75% of their OS from us, including KErnel and everything, all tehy added was Aqua and a few small things.
That looks amazing! Could you tell us all what you are building this with and where we can get all the relivant pieces? Would LOVE this running! Wow...
What font are you using for the menus? It looks very nice and I don't think it's the truetype Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, or TrebuchetMS from Windows. Thanks.
could you say me, where to find the wallpaper and the xmms skin? I would really like to have it...
really beautiful screen-shot :)
Hi, i hope you speak english to answer one question for me.. is the keramik style now "stable"? I hate it that konqueror crashes when you exit .. i hope this bug is fixed and i hope too that you can tell me cause your screenshot is very cool!
Keramik is the default style for KDE 3.1, so i think this is a "stable" version. Konqueror crashes me too, but this is not related with style. :(
Keramik is not the default theme for KDE3.1, atleast not for me o.o
Muy chulo tu escritorio, donde puedo encontrar ese wallpaper? Por cierto, sabes como meter iconos en la barra superior, si es que se puede? Gracias
Pues la verdad que no me acuerdo de donde lo saqu
Gracias de todas formas