Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
KWeshTuNotes allows you to write notes, copy/paste images and files to better organize them. The program runs under Windows and Linux (and probably MAC).
Initially, this app was a clone of "BasKet Note Pads" in Qt to be use on MS Windows. Then I used KDE APIs...
Features :
- tag basket based on nepomuk
- clipper basket (useful for MS Windows)
- experimental plasma basket
- sync with Google Document
- export to pdf
- Add clipper basket
- Add experimental plasma basket
- Fix bugs in support to sync with Google Document
- Fix order when grouping note
- Improve sync connection
- Fix save position note on MS Windows
- Fix MS Windows package (cross-compiling break)
- Add support for image file to sync with google docs and fix some bugs
- Add experimental support to sync with Google Document
- Fix save "tag basket"
- Fix save image (use PNG instead of JPG)
- Bug fixes
- Add i18n code
- Improve User Interface
Ratings & Comments
Is KWeshtuNotes still alive or are there any plans to continue it? Thanks a lot.
Hi. KWeshtunotes is hibernating. No plan but I watch KDE5, Qt5 (and Android support).
Hi, I noticed that you've got an Arch package but I cannot find it in the AUR!? Any plans of putting it in there? Many thanks in advance.
Hello, I just packaged this for Chakra, and it doesn't show up in a category under Kickoff, so it ends-up in "Lost & Found". This is the pkgbuild I used: http://chakra-linux.org/ccr/packages.php?ID=2525 Any suggestions? Or does the .desktop file need an update?
Hi, the .desktop file was incorrect, I fix it: http://code.google.com/p/weshtunotes/source/detail?r=271
Hi, seems to be nice, but depends on akonadi, which i have stopped by default. Must depends on it? Is possible build it without google support or is it hardcoded? And wish - is possible to set to create items in % width (100% for me) and import basket's baskets?
Hi, > but depends on akonadi, which i have stopped by default. Must depends on it? Humm, it's curious because KWesh don't depend on akonaki. You talk maybe about Nepomuk ? > Is possible build it without google support or is it hardcoded? No. What is the problem with google support ? > And wish - is possible to set to create items in % width (100% for me) Planned, I must add different layouts for baskets. > and import basket's baskets? Not planned for the moment.
> You talk maybe about Nepomuk ? of course nepomuk :-) >What is the problem with google support ? No problem here, only i don't want unused service > and import basket's baskets? Not planned for the moment. :-/ i use basket long time and have lot of information in it (cca 30 MB tree)...
I'm glad to see that someone finally made a Basket clone! I'm a big fan of the original Basket Note Pads, its exactly what I need. But its just been stagnant for soooo long. After years of inactivity they finally released a beta version for KDE 4 a while back, but haven't been heard from since... As great as Basket is, it just doesn't seem to get the TLC it really needs. Anyway, I just want to encourage you, by saying that I'm really excited about KWeshWhateverTheRestOfTheNameIs, and that I'll be keeping my eye on it. (My mother REALLY needs a Basket like program on Windows.) Unfortunately I'll have to stick with Basket until KWesh can import my baskets, but I'm really glad that you've decided to take up this project. Best of luck! P.S. You might want to update your installation instructions. After 'make' its 'sudo make install'. Or at least it was for me, it wouldn't copy the binary to /usr/local/bin until I gave it root privelages with 'sudo'.
Sorry, my bad. I see that they've released Basket beta2 in the meanwhile...