SuSE Splash Screen
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But the lightsources is inconsistently placed. In the parts stolen from aqua the light shines from the top and in the parts you've added the light shines from the top left.
by the way, even the last icon is from MacOS X. It is the DNS configuration icon from a admin pannel. I just removed DNS and add KDE :-)
That's right ... all the logos are picked from MacOS X. I extract them from screenshots of MacOS X I get from Apples Homepage because I don't have a Mac (unfortunately ... I am a big von of Aqua). And this kind of pannel logo was the best fit I found. Maybe a McOS X user can send me some more screenshots of MacOS X, espacialty from the icons, so I can improve the splashscreen. I not yet pleased with some more of the icons ... but as I said I didn't find better ones.
my guess would be, the apple logo is there because he took those button icons directly from mac os X. in fact, i think all but the last one come with osX. mind you, im not complaining, just answering the question...
Obviously this theme is inspired by apple, but why is the apple logo in the second to last icon? not complaining, just curious. It looks pretty nice, and matches my current kde look, I'll probably use it. good work.
try (as root) /usr/share/apps/ksplash/pics - lead on my system (LM8.0) zu success.
Hi, I have replaced the splash PNGs both in ~/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/pics and $KDEDIR/share/apps/ksplash/pics but i keep getting some old version of the splash screen. I am not running KDM but using good ol' startx. However, I had installed a splash module for KDE Control that interfering with the splash screen? If yes, I wonder where its getting the pictures from? I'm all but dying to get this splash screen working...aaaaaaaaahh!