Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- Generates its own 9x3x3 puzzles;
- Four levels of difficulty;
- Toggle hints on/off;
- Enter and display possible candidates for cells;
- Auto-solve;
- Status messages to let you know what's going on;
- Auto-save on every move and auto-restore on restart.
Please read the user guide on the download page. Have fun. If you find any bugs, or want any features, please post to my forums (see link below).
Fixed persistent notes issue on creating a new game.
I've changed the puzzle generator and solver. I've borrowed these from python sudoku (http://pythonsudoku.sourceforge.net). This provides a faster and more robust generator. It also means that the difficulty levels mean something. Previously, there wasn't much difference between the difficulty levels. Now there's a clear difference.
This version brings some new features, interface enhancements and bug fixes:
* Your game is now saved every time you make a move. So if you turn off Su-per-Doku half way through a game, it will be restored exactly as you left it the next time you start Su-per-Doku;
* Numbers entered into a cell are now green. They will turn red once you press enter. This means that you can tell at a glance whether you've entered a number into the puzzle properly. Any green numbers are not entered properly;
* Numbers deleted from a cell are deleted out of the puzzle's progress counter. Previously, these were not deleted, and you could have the strange situation where the puzzle was solved, even though some boxes appeared to be empty (because you'd deleted the number, but the puzzle still thought the cell was filled correctly).
First release.
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
While I am not a big fan of the super-karamba appearance, another sudoku I could not resist. All in all works well. As of version 2.0 Game generation very slow and one wonders if it's stuck. The guess numbers are unreadable. OK, I am using 1100 x 760 but a more normal 1024 screen would not fare better. Too existing sudokus, "solo" and ksudoku both (the kde at my suggestion) place the numbers as superscripts in the box itself--can be larger and on a light background!