kde3 xp style
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This theme contains same parts of other themes.
Thanks to all.
-new metabar theme
-akdc kwin theme
-suse button support
-new installation script
-added kbfx theme
-added win200,winme,win89 colors and icons
-update icons
-more icons
-added Suse icons
-fixed windows decoration for kde 3.3
-new icons
-added superkaramba winbar in kde-xp-full-0.9.tar.gz
0.6 :
-fixed root/rpm installation
-new icons
-new Mandrake .rpm
0.5 :
-fixed kghostview bug
-new icons with transparency
-rpm and srpm version
-removed old icons
-new sounds
find the new version on:
WARNING: on this site there is the limit of 10Gb/month of band width for the accesses.
If altervista is down you can find old version at :
Ratings & Comments
Felicitaciones por tu esforzado trabajo, en donde vivo fue escencial para adaptar el pasaje del software preso al libre, ya que la resistencia a lo nuevo no se enfrenta sino que se analiza y resuelve. Hoy gracias a tu trabajo el uso de software libre en tres lan-house de Porto Alegre es una realidad
wtf is wrong with people on kde look i mean the guy wud hv worked so hard to make this theme and it almost looks replica of windows xp and wtf is all this 'representatives of open source' should not make such themes u guys are pure losers and shud get out of ur house and get a gf anyways i wud be very much happy if u ported it to kde4 and if people donot see the good part of windows and their presentation and criticize them blindly then nothing cud happen to linux im not saying that windows is better infact linux beats 'em easily but think about it:to install a widget style bespin u hv to compile it manually. are u sure that non-geeks wud evr try that? i heard some guy saying that bsd is better than windows.maybe it is in some aspects but windows is like 10x more usable than that. if we hv to improve linux we hv to be a critic of linux not windows.yes in a no of aspects it sucks still they hv made computers usable for normal users. and in the end i praise u for ur wonderful ability. if some themes hv to stopped they are the mac like themes lol there like 100 mac like themes on kde look and some even beat the original one!
Pls explain how to install this theme. Most of members in my family are used to windows so this will help to get used to linux THX
I'm also agree with all other people. What made your mind to create such a drastic art!! Please, we're here as representatives of Open-Source, not for the useless stupid so called fast and good XP!!!!!!
... but things like this makes it easier for new users to find the things they´re looking for. I also hate the win xp style, but - well, why not? you dont gotta use it ;)
1 - no answer for any question 2 - make a KDE look with the worst look of windows is kind of bizarre idea. I even never used this look under XP when I used it. 3 - no way to install this theme. => please change your mind !
This could be something actually useful. It has been reported that some Chinese political activist has been arrested using "Incognito" in an Internet cafe in Shangai, China. One of the managers saw a screen different than the usual, and that was enough to draw attention. "Incognito" is a Live CD Linux distribution based on Gentoo and KDE that uses TOR, an anonymizer that allows you to bypass firewalls and censorship. It is a very useful tool in repressive political regimes (think Iran). An XP theme could be useful to keep a low profile in those cases.
How on the earth this theme can be installed. I'm sorry but I'm really pissed off. 1. there is no theme file in the tar file. 2. I've followed few previous comments, which didn't help. 3. I executed those 3 install-*.sh files. nothing worked. Why do people make things this confusing? Just to install a simple theme, I've to search the previous comments, do the googling and even if that fails, register in this site and post a query. Disgusting!!! @Author: You've invested your lot of time and made such a a beautiful theme. We are thankful to you. But, can't you spend little more time, and write few instructions here on this webpage or in install.txt in the theme?
I'm a complete newbie to Linux, just installed Suse 11/KDE 3.5 yesterday. Can someone please help me out by explaining how to install this theme? Thanks
It's very good at what it's trying to be. But what it tries to be is bad. It looks just like winXP, but I don't know why someone would want that. WinXP is ugly imo. Except for the media center edition. That version looks awesome. It would be a hard time choosing between different themes if media edition would be available. Oh, And of course vista is also beautiful. But most windows versions are ugly and all of them suck.
but that's only your opinion, there are many people who like the look of XP, i personally like it, and i don't like OSX and Vista. that's why i use the CDE theme in KDE.
I agree entirely, but I think this theme is meant more to be a helpful tool than eye candy. Some people need *nix to look like widnows sometimes. If you are running linux off of your usb drive at a library and don't want to look suspicious, this really comes in handy.
Use gnome and you will get cool MCE theme!
Hi ! Your theme is amazing BUT I cannot find the kde_xp.kth file in the tar.bz2 Could you please give us a way to get it ? Thank you very much.
Solved. I run the installer from the new version (in the /usr directory) and after restarting the control center, the differents elements were in the lists. As told before, I had to select the IceWM as windows decoration and select kde_xp in the list below. Thank you for this great theme. It is impressive. I never used a windows so fast and reactive :-D
Well i have read all the Bad Comments and good Comments on this and all i have to Say is that it is Not the GUI that makes the OS it is the OS that makes a diffrence. that is why i love linuix verse MS$. WE all live in the Ms$ world and i would like to turn more people on to Linuix and what a way to do it. I Have tried to install the Theme Multiple time according to what ever one has said I found a Older version on the net and could install it in the KDE them manager because it had a KTH file in it the Newer Version Does not Can some one Please help me out with this. To all of you that are willing to Help Thank you and By the Why this Looks like a awsome theme GREAT Job in your Creative mind I can not wait to Try it Distro i am useing is PCLinuxos KDE 3.5
Please, can you help me. I use Gentoo and cant configure this theme. When i unpack this theme i cant find file .thx. Thanks for help
Hi, to use this good theme, you only have to generate some folder: /usr/share --> Folder apps/ then copy the folder copy the extracted tar to folder usr/share/apps and rename it to kbfx :-) Now you can choose it from the list in Controllmenue from KDE Greeting
Very good in being really bad (-;E
Not too good but not too bad Thanks anyway
can you please make thee installation a little more confusing?
Hi, I love the them you have created. However i cannot get it to work. I installed the rpm but nothing appeared in the theme manager. I downloaded the tarballs but again things seemed to be missing. I have had to manually add all relevant items myself, but i am now stuck on how to change the kde panel. I am running Mandriva 2006. I was hoping you could give me some pointers on how to change the panel / start button. Thanks Dave.
Hi, to use this good theme, you only have to generate some folder: /usr/share --> Folder apps/ then copy the folder copy the extracted tar to folder usr/share/apps and rename it to kbfx :-) Now you can choose it from the list in Controllmenue from KDE Greeting
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