Search results for "extension"


Andromeda Launcher

Plasma 5 Menus by eliverlara
A simple Launcher for KDE Plasma based on the awesome [url=] MMcK Launcher[/url] created to fit the [url=] Andromeda theme for KDE[/url] Required...
linux unix extension kde plasma plasma-5 widget menu
3 hours ago

Audio Wave Widget

Plasma 6 Multimedia by zayronXIO
This KDE Plasma plasmoid provides a real-time visual representation of audio frequencies using dynamic bars that update according to the music being played. It also displays the song title and artist name. The plasmoid activates only when music is detected. The audio analysis is performed by a...
music linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
8 hours ago

Urban Date

Plasma 6 Calendars by zayronXIO
The Urban Date widget displays the day of the week and the day of the month in numeric format. It automatically detects whether the system language uses the modern Latin alphabet. If not, it switches to English text to maintain a consistent format
rainmeter conky linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
8 hours ago

Minimal Chaac Weather for panel Plasma6

Plasma 6 Applets by zayronXIO
This widget displays the current weather and forecast for the coming days. Data is retrieved from the Open-Meteo API and processed using Bash and curl. If the widget doesn't work, you likely don't have curl installed. This widget determines your geographical coordinates based on your IP....
rainmeter qt6 linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
8 hours ago


Plasma 6 Multimedia by zayronXIO
music waves is plasmoid fork by audio.waves.widget. The main difference is that this plasmoid does not have an audio analyzer like audio.waves does. Instead, the bars that represent the audio are generated randomly based on the actual system volume
music covergloobus rainmeter linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
8 hours ago

Petik Calendar Plasma6

Plasma 6 Calendars by zayronXIO
A widget that displays the letters of the days of the week in the order chosen by the user, and highlights the current day in a circle.
conky rainmeter screenlets linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
8 hours ago

Minimal Musica Widget

Plasma 5 Multimedia by zayronXIO
covergloobus rainmeter qt5 linux unix extension kde plasma plasma-5 widget multimedia
8 hours ago

Chaac Weather plasma6

Plasma 6 Weather by zayronXIO
Widget that uses the free open meteo API to display the current weather, with a simple design. and in some cases, you won't have to intervene in the settings, as the widget will establish its location through its IP." This widget does not yet have all the functionalities that I would like it...
conky weather rainmeter screenlets linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
8 hours ago

Small Weather Plasma6

Plasma 6 Weather by zayronXIO
Small desktop widget with information on the current temperature, weather conditions, and the day's maximum and minimum temperatures. inspired by "Small Clean Weather" by zivallh on deviantart [b]Donate me[/b] [color=#225862][b]If you like my job and you want to help me, invite me to a cafe....
rainmeter linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
21 hours ago

Plasma Control Hub

Plasma 6 Applets by zayronXIO
[h3]Plasma-Control-Hub is a similar macos control center applet, created especially for use in plasma. This widget is not a fork of Prayag2's work, although some of its code was reused. It's still a work in progress, it may not work. [/h3] [b]Features[/b] [list] [*] Battery indicator [*]...
controlcentre control kdecontrol weather osx linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
8 hours ago