Search results for "builder"


Setup Maker Software

Utilities by datadoctorsoftware1
Windows executable setup files maker software.EXE installation setup creator application generate windows executable packages. Professional executable installation package maker software produce setup file from existing exe installer file with user specified company name, product name, version,...
setup installer builder creator software app
Mar 08 2025

Publii Open-Source Static CMS

Internet Apps by bobmitro
Publii is a desktop-based CMS for Linux, Windows, and Mac that makes creating static websites fast and hassle-free, for beginners and developers. Unlike static-site generators that are often unwieldy and difficult to use, Publii provides an easy-to-understand UI much like server-based CMSs such...
app cms static builder wordpress software
Aug 30 2024


Cursors by elsmackatan
I realize this is not a cursor theme, but I felt this category was the best fit for this program. CursorCreate is a multi-platform cursor build system, which is capable of building cursor themes for Linux, Windows, and Mac via Mousecape. It comes with both a CLI and GUI interface, and can...
builder cursor gplv3 linux program unix
May 11 2020