Choose Filter:
- Abstract 806
- Nature 376
- Wallpapers Windows 210
- Utilities 200
- Wallpaper Other 176
- GTK2 Themes 155
- Cursors 148
- XFCE/XFWM4 Themes 131
- Beryl/Emerald Themes 129
- GTK3/4 Themes 105
- KDE Plasma Screenshots 104
- Icon Sub-Sets 89
- Plasma Color Schemes 88
- Metacity Themes 88
- Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements 83
- Full Icon Themes 80
- Developers Apps 74
- Plasma Window Decorations 69
- Graphic Apps 64
- Kwin Scripts 62
- Plasma Themes 61
- Gnome Screenshots 57
- System Tools (NOT OS or ROMS) 55
- Global Themes (Plasma 5) 52
- Science 46
- Various Gnome Stuff 45
- VLC Extensions 45
- Global Themes (Plasma 6) 42
- Openbox Themes 41
- Network 40
- Karamba & Superkaramba 37
- Chat & Messenging 37
- QtCurve 32
- Ice-WM Themes 32
- SDDM Login Themes 31
- Wallpapers Ubuntu 30
- Cinnamon Themes 29
- Various Stuff 29
- Browser 28
- Audio Apps 27
- Technology 27
- Wallpapers KDE Plasma 26
- GnoMenu Skins 25
- KWin Scripts 25
- Dolphin Service Menus 24
- Kwin Effects 24
- Education Apps 23
- GDM Themes 22
- VLC Playlist Parsers 22
- Gnome Shell Themes 21
- KWin Effects 21
- deKorator Themes 20
- Various KDE 1.-4. Styles 20
- Conky 20
- Phone ROMS 20
- Office Apps 19
- Latte Layouts 19
- Kvantum 18
- Cliparts 18
- Various Games 18
- Plasma 4 Extensions 16
- Plymouth Themes 16
- Nautilus Scripts 16
- KDE 3.x Window Decorations 16
- KDE 3 Color Schemes 16
- Qt Tools 16
- Compiz Themes 15
- KDE 3.5 Themes 15
- Video Apps 15
- GRUB Themes 14
- Gimp Splashes 14
- KDE 3.x Splash Screens 14
- Qt Widgets 14
- Beaches and Oceans 14
- Plasma Splashscreens 14
- Plasma 5 Applets 13
- Fluxbox Themes 13
- Arcade 13
- System Sounds 13
- File Management 13
- Groupware 12
- Text Editors 12
- Wallpapers Mint 12
- Audioplayers 12
- Listings 12
- Various Addons 12
- Phone Utilities 12
- Database 11
- Qt Components 11
- Pek-WM Themes 10
- Distros 10
- aMSN 10
- Various KDE Stuff 10
- Kdenlive Effect Templates 10
- Plasma 6 Window Decorations 10
- FVWM Themes 9
- Board 9
- Kwin Switching Layouts 9
- Animals 9
- Wallpapers Debian 9
- linux 2445
- unix 2412
- artwork 1758
- wallpaper 1741
- theme 842
- app 822
- software 821
- abstract 813
- windows 765
- kde 678
- plasma 629
- gnome 409
- nature 383
- extension 353
- addon 225
- 11 179
- wallpaper-other 176
- screenshot 172
- gtk2 158
- cursor 148
- colorscheme 105
- iconset 89
- 10 87
- icon-theme 82
- splashscreen 68
- plasma-6 55
- dark 54
- microsoft 54
- audio 52
- kde3 52
- look-and-feel 52
- blue 49
- widget 46
- menu 44
- landscape 41
- animation 40
- plasma-5 38
- bootscreen 37
- cinnamon 37
- karamba 37
- macos 37
- superkaramba 37
- ubuntu 36
- dock 34
- stock 34
- 10x 33
- kwin 33
- qtcurve 32
- logo 30
- retro 30
- desktop 28
- audio-other 27
- background 27
- animated 26
- windows10 26
- xfce 26
- gnomenu 25
- aero 24
- light 24
- anime 23
- breeze 23
- latte 22
- gnome-shell 21
- green 21
- window 21
- conky 20
- tiling 20
- touhou 20
- minimal 19
- spectrum 19
- clipart 18
- fluent 18
- kvantum 18
- mac 18
- xcursor 18
- xfwm4 18
- plasma-4 17
- pst 17
- 4k 16
- beach 16
- cursors 16
- plymouth 16
- windowsxp 16
- winxp 16
- apple 15
- blur 15
- desert 15
- kde-plasma 15
- kwinscript 15
- mint 15
- burg 14
- converter 14
- debian 14
- gradient 14
- grub 14
- hd 14
- ocean 14
- wallpapers 14
- windows7 14
- 5k 13
- 3.22
- 3.31
- 3.41
- 3.61
- 3.83
- 3.92
- 4.02
- 4.14
- 4.27
- 4.33
- 4.417
- 4.51
- 4.673
- 4.76
- 4.86
- 4.91
- 5.03729
- 5.19
- 5.246
- 5.39
- 5.421
- 5.535
- 5.6289
- 5.731
- 5.8179
- 5.92
- 6.025
- 6.1151
- 6.238
- 6.314
- 6.472
- 6.561
- 6.635
- 6.766
- 6.838
- 6.95
- 7.050
- 7.148
- 7.229
- 7.329
- 7.422
- 7.530
- 7.621
- 7.716
- 7.823
- 7.97
- 8.018
- 8.110
- 8.210
- 8.39
- 8.47
- 8.56
- 8.69
- 8.77
- 8.85
- 8.91
- 9.02
- 9.11
Search results for "windows 11"
- 5345 hit(s)
Windows Classic HiDPI [2000/ME/XP] inspired Aurorae Theme
Plasma 6 Window Decorations
This is a Windows Classic inspired theme for KWin using the Aurorae Theme Engine.
The aim
windows classic blacky linux unix theme kde plasma
Oct 09 2024
Basant VLC Skin
VLC Skins
Basant skin for VLC media player.
- Works on both Linux and Windows OS.
* I will color
Feb 20 2025
Windows 95 IceWM theme
Ice-WM Themes
button from screenshots of FVWM95.
This theme aims to replicate the look of the default theme in Windows
Sep 08 2024
Windows 10 like CPU stats
Application Concepts
This Page look like Windows 10 CPU stats
Sep 15 2024