Choose Filter:
- KDE 3.x Splash Screens 2475
- Plasma Splashscreens 1562
- Gnome 2 Splash Screens 849
- KDE 4 Splashscreens 481
- Bootsplash Various 397
- Plymouth Themes 299
- GRUB Themes 200
- Usplash Themes 165
- Plasma 6 Splashscreens 124
- KDM4 Themes 93
- Plasma Themes 87
- Global Themes (Plasma 5) 83
- GDM Themes 72
- KDM3 Themes 62
- Various Stuff 58
- Various Gnome Stuff 48
- Kvantum 47
- GTK2 Themes 47
- GTK3/4 Themes 44
- XSplash Themes 38
- Splashy Themes 38
- Global Themes (Plasma 6) 36
- Full Icon Themes 34
- SDDM Login Themes 33
- KDE Plasma Screenshots 33
- Conky 28
- KDE 3.5 Themes 27
- Wallpapers Manjaro 25
- Icon Sub-Sets 24
- Plasma Color Schemes 23
- XFCE/XFWM4 Themes 14
- Various KDE 1.-4. Styles 12
- Tutorials and Scripts 12
- Wallpapers Linux/Tux 11
- QtCurve 10
- KDE 3.x Window Decorations 10
- Plasma Window Decorations 9
- KDE 3 Color Schemes 8
- Gnome Screenshots 8
- Cursors 7
- Cinnamon Themes 7
- Abstract 6
- GFXBoot 6
- Beryl/Emerald Themes 4
- Enlightenment Themes 4
- Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements 4
- KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes 4
- Latte Layouts 4
- Various KDE Stuff 4
- Fluxbox Themes 3
- Ice-WM Themes 3
- XFCE Screenshots 3
- Wallpapers KDE Plasma 3
- Gnome Shell Themes 2
- Pek-WM Themes 2
- MDM Themes 2
- Cubecaps 2
- Screensavers 2
- Plasma 5 Wallpaper Plugins 2
- Wallpapers Deepin 2
- Listings 2
- Plasma 6 Window Decorations 2
- Wallpaper Other 1
- Plasma 4 Extensions 1
- Compiz Themes 1
- Metacity Themes 1
- Openbox Themes 1
- FVWM Themes 1
- Stock Images 1
- E Animated Backgrounds 1
- Skydomes 1
- Kbfx Startmenu 1
- Karamba & Superkaramba 1
- Single Icon/Logo 1
- Kwin Effects 1
- Kwin Scripts 1
- Cinnamon Screenshots 1
- Cinnamon Extensions 1
- Plank Themes 1
- System Sounds 1
- Plasma 5 Menus 1
- Application Styles 1
- Plasma 5 Monitoring 1
- Desktop Concepts 1
- Mate Screenshots 1
- Technology 1
- Terminal Apps 1
- Various Gnome Theming 1
- SLiM 1
- Plasma 6 Applets 1
- Plasma 6 Monitoring 1
- linux 7735
- unix 7679
- theme 5957
- splashscreen 5780
- kde3 2516
- kde 2509
- plasma 2482
- plasma-5 1565
- bootscreen 1150
- gnome 1002
- splash 808
- screen 746
- plasma-4 482
- saver 319
- plymouth 301
- animated 224
- burg 200
- grub 200
- loading 171
- usplash 165
- plasma-6 163
- extension 155
- abstract 124
- manjaro 95
- look-and-feel 83
- nature 72
- arch 63
- bootsplash 54
- wallpaper 53
- animation 51
- gtk2 51
- them 51
- artwork 50
- tux 49
- kvantum 47
- screenshot 46
- unity 41
- universal 41
- desktop 40
- kdeplasma 39
- splashy 38
- xsplash 38
- ubuntu 37
- icon-theme 35
- colorscheme 31
- megano 29
- moon 29
- widget 28
- archlinux 27
- boot 27
- conky 27
- mint 27
- space 27
- dark 24
- endeavouros 24
- iconset 24
- plasma6 24
- ricing 24
- debian 23
- fantasy 23
- conky-conf 22
- plasma5 22
- purple 20
- gentoo 19
- kde-plasma 19
- simple 19
- customize 18
- logo 18
- login 16
- materia 16
- kdesplash 15
- blue 14
- eos 14
- galaxy 14
- planet 14
- sddm 13
- windows 13
- green 12
- gtk3 12
- light 12
- opensuse 12
- tutorial 12
- macos 11
- rock 11
- bootloader 10
- cinnamon 10
- gtk 10
- matrix 10
- qtcurve 10
- anime 9
- audio 9
- black 9
- fedora 9
- kali 9
- kde5 9
- retro 9
- sunset 9
- wolf 9
- cat 8
- enos 8
- no Architecture found
Search results for "manjaro splash"
- 7735 hit(s)
Gnome 2 Splash Screens
I saw this and thought it looked great.
so i gave it a little Ubuntu style :) ...
May 29 2005
KDE 3.x Splash Screens
Two splash samples I made for my laptop... personally I prefer the first but a friend of mine
May 04 2005
KDE 3.x Splash Screens
This is the Splash Screen i have "created" for my Laptop. Since the Laptop uses 1280x800
Mar 31 2005