Choose Filter:
- GTK2 Themes 155
- Cursors 148
- XFCE/XFWM4 Themes 131
- Beryl/Emerald Themes 129
- GTK3/4 Themes 105
- KDE Plasma Screenshots 104
- Icon Sub-Sets 89
- Plasma Color Schemes 88
- Metacity Themes 87
- Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements 83
- Full Icon Themes 80
- Plasma Window Decorations 69
- Kwin Scripts 61
- Plasma Themes 60
- Gnome Screenshots 57
- Global Themes (Plasma 5) 52
- Various Gnome Stuff 45
- Global Themes (Plasma 6) 42
- Openbox Themes 41
- Karamba & Superkaramba 37
- QtCurve 32
- Ice-WM Themes 32
- SDDM Login Themes 31
- Various Stuff 29
- Cinnamon Themes 27
- GnoMenu Skins 25
- KWin Scripts 25
- Kwin Effects 24
- GDM Themes 22
- Gnome Shell Themes 21
- KWin Effects 21
- deKorator Themes 20
- Various KDE 1.-4. Styles 20
- Conky 20
- Kvantum 18
- Latte Layouts 18
- Plasma 4 Extensions 16
- Plymouth Themes 16
- KDE 3.x Window Decorations 16
- KDE 3 Color Schemes 16
- Compiz Themes 15
- KDE 3.5 Themes 15
- GRUB Themes 14
- KDE 3.x Splash Screens 14
- Plasma Splashscreens 14
- Plasma 5 Applets 13
- Fluxbox Themes 13
- System Sounds 13
- Pek-WM Themes 10
- Various KDE Stuff 10
- Plasma 6 Window Decorations 10
- FVWM Themes 9
- Kwin Switching Layouts 9
- Kbfx Startmenu 8
- Nature 8
- Tutorials and Scripts 8
- LXQt Themes 8
- KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes 7
- Various Plasma Theming 7
- KDM4 Themes 6
- Be-Shell/Bespin 6
- Plasma 5 Menus 6
- Gnome 2 Splash Screens 5
- AWN Themes 5
- DockbarX Themes 5
- Wallpapers Linux/Tux 5
- KDE 2 Themes 4
- XFCE Screenshots 4
- Various Plasma 5 Improvements 4
- Latte Indicators 4
- Plasma 6 Applets 4
- Plasma 6 Menus 4
- Unity Screenshots 3
- Utilities 3
- Distros 3
- Plasma 5 Wallpaper Plugins 3
- Bootsplash Various 3
- Emoticons 2
- Cinnamon Screenshots 2
- Screensavers 2
- Graphic Apps 2
- Usplash Themes 2
- XSplash Themes 2
- Cairo-Dock Themes 2
- Wallpapers KDE Plasma 2
- tint2 2
- Sawfish Themes 2
- Wallpaper Other 1
- Fonts 1
- KDE 4 Splashscreens 1
- MDM Themes 1
- Gnome Extensions 1
- E Animated Backgrounds 1
- Skydomes 1
- Cubecaps 1
- KDM3 Themes 1
- Single Icon/Logo 1
- Various Games 1
- Cairo Clock 1
- Qt Widgets 1
- linux 2445
- unix 2412
- theme 831
- kde 645
- plasma 603
- gnome 402
- extension 351
- windows 239
- screenshot 171
- gtk2 158
- cursor 148
- colorscheme 104
- iconset 89
- icon-theme 82
- splashscreen 67
- plasma-6 55
- kde3 52
- look-and-feel 52
- widget 46
- animation 40
- dark 40
- menu 40
- plasma-5 38
- bootscreen 37
- karamba 37
- superkaramba 37
- cinnamon 36
- dock 33
- kwin 32
- qtcurve 32
- retro 28
- xfce 26
- animated 25
- gnomenu 25
- aero 23
- breeze 23
- anime 22
- light 22
- wallpaper 22
- gnome-shell 21
- artwork 20
- conky 20
- latte 20
- tiling 20
- touhou 20
- windows10 20
- macos 19
- spectrum 19
- fluent 18
- kvantum 18
- window 18
- xcursor 18
- xfwm4 18
- plasma-4 17
- cursors 16
- plymouth 16
- windowsxp 16
- winxp 16
- kwinscript 15
- burg 14
- grub 14
- blur 13
- background 12
- bibata 12
- blue 12
- classic 12
- green 12
- color 11
- glass 11
- launcher 11
- microsoft 11
- latte-dock 10
- skeuomorph 10
- vista 10
- windows7 10
- app 9
- gtk3 9
- lxqt 9
- mac 9
- windows11 9
- 1024x768 8
- aurorae 8
- decoration 8
- flat 8
- gtk 8
- icons 8
- kde-plasma 8
- material 8
- nature 8
- software 8
- tutorial 8
- win10 8
- xcursors 8
- xfce4 8
- apple 7
- kdeplasma 7
- willow 7
- wvista 7
- xp 7
- be-shell 6
- 3.21
- 3.31
- 3.41
- 3.83
- 3.92
- 4.02
- 4.13
- 4.24
- 4.32
- 4.413
- 4.51
- 4.640
- 4.73
- 4.84
- 5.01305
- 5.16
- 5.230
- 5.37
- 5.419
- 5.522
- 5.6166
- 5.718
- 5.8131
- 5.92
- 6.018
- 6.1103
- 6.235
- 6.310
- 6.454
- 6.541
- 6.632
- 6.751
- 6.831
- 6.93
- 7.035
- 7.137
- 7.222
- 7.322
- 7.418
- 7.525
- 7.615
- 7.712
- 7.817
- 7.97
- 8.014
- 8.18
- 8.27
- 8.37
- 8.45
- 8.55
- 8.69
- 8.77
- 8.85
- 8.91
- 9.02
- 9.11
Search results for "windows 11"
- 2445 hit(s)
windows 11 gtk
GTK3/4 Themes
first version of theme inspired by version 11 of Microsoft windows, it is an alpha version to see
1 day ago
Windows 12 Dark
Global Themes (Plasma 6)
theme windows 12 dark
windows linux unix theme kde plasma plasma-6
1 day ago
Full Icon Themes
icon set based on windows-eleven and with some modifications to use in windows 12 theme
1 day ago
Full Icon Themes
by original microsoft windows 11 icons,
I recommend its use with the windows 11 themes of kde plasma
windows microsoft linux unix icon-theme
1 day ago
13 hours ago
Global Themes (Plasma 5)
new global theme with windows 11 appearance, unlike the others available, this one has a script
linux unix theme kde plasma look-and-feel windows fluent
1 day ago