Search results for "unix"



LXQt Themes by dragobart
My first attempt at tinkering with QSS. A collection of LXQt themes with a skeuomorphic style - deep and 3D-like, for those who want late 90s/early 2000s vibes. I went a little overboard and created multiple color variants. There are 11 versions in total: - Red - Orange - Yellow - Lime -...
retro skeuomorphic 2000s y2k frutiger_aero linux unix theme lxqt
Nov 24 2024

Black Beauty - LXQT theme by Nudnik

LXQt Themes by nudnik
This is my first attempt creating a LXQT theme. I just wanted to have an elegant dark theme with transparency for lxqt and floating menu and tooltips. Based on "sombre-et-rond" by Bapt17 Button from Lubuntu Arc LXQT theme Buttons from Download and extract...
linux unix theme lxqt
Jul 04 2024

Dark Breeze by Nudnik - LXQT Theme

LXQt Themes by nudnik
A LXQT theme based on the Dark Breeze theme by mahe with added support for LXQT 2.0 and Fancy Menu Just extract folder and copy to ~/.local/share/lxqt/themes/. Theme can now be selected in the LXQT configuration center. As Icons I used the Tela Light icons and on the panel settings I selected...
lxqt lxqttheme lubuntu linux unix theme
Jul 04 2024

Breeze Dark-Light Lxqt

LXQt Themes by joselp
This is a complete theme for the Lxqt Linux desktop environment that conforms to Plasma colors in its Breeze Dark and Breeze Light versions. Created by Joselp You can download this theme and contribute with a small donation here. Installation: The file contains the themes for Lxqt and its...
lxqt openbox breeze dark light linux unix theme
Jan 16 2024

LXQt Windows Classic Theme

LXQt Themes by tsuki4340
This theme is a modification of the theme made by pixelocdguy at All potentially copyrighted assets have been replaced. I highly recommend replacing them with the ones from the original theme, as the start menu banner was quickly made by me in...
linux lxqt theme unix gplv3
Nov 18 2023

Windows 98 theme for LXQt

LXQt Themes by alexbot2000
Modified version of the Windows Classic theme by PixelOCDguy, which can be found here: It's changed to have its colors resemble more the actual Windows classic colors, insted of the Windows default from 2000/ME/XP, and the start menu banner was changed to...
lxqt windows98 windows-98 retro linux unix theme
Dec 14 2023


LXQt Themes by bapt17
A theme inspired by the default windows 11 dark theme without transparency / blur Based on sombre-et-rond lxqt theme and dark lxqt theme Icons from under MIT licence -You can download...
lxqttheme lxqt windows11 fluent lubuntu linux unix theme
Nov 17 2023


LXQt Themes by bapt17
sombre-et-rond : I just wanted to create a beautiful dark and rounded theme for lxqt Button from Lubuntu Arc LXQT theme Buttons from Download and extract the theme into /usr/share/lxqt/themes
rounded dark lxqt lxqttheme lubuntu linux unix theme
Nov 17 2023

LXQt Customization 01 - Lubuntu 22.04

Tutorials and Scripts by lsteam
These are the resources I used to customize my LXQt desktop with a unique layout that includes a single panel on the top and a dock on the bottom. I also added Ulauncher with a custom nord color accent theme. You can follow the step-by-step instructions on how to make your LXQt desktop look...
archlinux fedora linux lubuntu lxqt tutorial unix
Mar 06 2023

Circle Button Window Theme [openbox]

LXQt Themes by yoelwep13578
"Circle Button" window theme. Based from Nightmare Window border theme for LXDE, LXQT, or Openbox Thanks to author from Nightmare theme, your theme is included in LXDE The reason why i choose Nightmare theme for mod because it's have simple configuration. CHANGES...
linux lxde lxqt lxqt-lxde obtheme theme unix
Nov 23 2022