Choose Filter:
- KDE 3.x Splash Screens 2475
- Plasma Splashscreens 1563
- Gnome 2 Splash Screens 849
- KDE 4 Splashscreens 481
- Bootsplash Various 396
- Abstract 325
- Plymouth Themes 299
- Wallpaper Other 243
- Gimp Splashes 209
- GRUB Themes 200
- Usplash Themes 165
- Nature 129
- Plasma 6 Splashscreens 123
- Wallpapers Manjaro 103
- Cliparts 102
- KDM4 Themes 93
- Plasma Themes 87
- Global Themes (Plasma 5) 83
- GDM Themes 72
- OpenOffice Splash Screens 65
- KDM3 Themes 62
- Various Stuff 58
- Wallpapers KDE Plasma 52
- Various Gnome Stuff 48
- Kvantum 47
- GTK2 Themes 47
- GTK3/4 Themes 44
- LO Splash Screens 39
- Wallpapers Ubuntu 39
- XSplash Themes 38
- Splashy Themes 38
- Global Themes (Plasma 6) 36
- Full Icon Themes 34
- SDDM Login Themes 33
- KDE Plasma Screenshots 33
- Conky 29
- KDE 3.5 Themes 27
- Icon Sub-Sets 24
- Plasma Color Schemes 23
- Wallpapers Gnome 22
- Listings 22
- Wallpapers Debian 20
- Beaches and Oceans 17
- Various Artwork 15
- Utilities 15
- XFCE/XFWM4 Themes 14
- Wallpapers Arch 13
- Dolphin Service Menus 12
- Various KDE 1.-4. Styles 12
- Tutorials and Scripts 12
- Amarok Themes 11
- Graphic Apps 11
- Wallpapers Linux/Tux 11
- QtCurve 10
- KDE 3.x Window Decorations 10
- Wallpapers Mint 10
- Plasma Window Decorations 9
- Konsole Color Schemes 9
- Technology 9
- KDE 3 Color Schemes 8
- System Tools (NOT OS or ROMS) 8
- Gnome Screenshots 8
- Cursors 7
- Cinnamon Themes 7
- Kdenlive Title Templates 7
- Phone Themes 7
- Animals 6
- Wallpapers XFCE/Xubuntu 6
- GFXBoot 6
- Latte Layouts 5
- Phone ROMS 5
- Video-Wallpapers 5
- Beryl/Emerald Themes 4
- Enlightenment Themes 4
- Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements 4
- Single Icon/Logo 4
- KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes 4
- Wallpapers Kubuntu 4
- Food 4
- Various KDE Stuff 4
- Phone Mods/Firmwares 4
- Plasma Mobile Global Themes 4
- Fluxbox Themes 3
- Ice-WM Themes 3
- Animations 3
- K3b Themes 3
- XFCE Screenshots 3
- Gimp Themes 3
- Landscapes 3
- Mountains 3
- Desktop Concepts 3
- Nautilus Scripts 2
- Gnome Shell Themes 2
- Pek-WM Themes 2
- MDM Themes 2
- Cubecaps 2
- Yakuake Skins 2
- Screensavers 2
- Wallpapers Mandriva 2
- Wallpapers Gentoo 2
- linux 7734
- unix 7678
- theme 5963
- splashscreen 5789
- kde 2586
- plasma 2556
- kde3 2516
- plasma-5 1566
- artwork 1161
- bootscreen 1149
- wallpaper 1044
- gnome 1029
- splash 987
- screen 761
- plasma-4 482
- abstract 452
- addon 368
- saver 321
- plymouth 302
- manjaro 248
- wallpaper-other 243
- animated 227
- nature 204
- burg 200
- grub 200
- loading 171
- usplash 165
- plasma-6 163
- extension 155
- clipart 102
- look-and-feel 83
- mint 83
- arch 76
- ubuntu 76
- menu 61
- dark 58
- bootsplash 57
- water 57
- animation 56
- button 56
- them 52
- gtk2 51
- splashes 51
- tux 49
- desktop 47
- kvantum 47
- screenshot 46
- app 45
- software 45
- debian 44
- color 43
- kdeplasma 41
- unity 41
- universal 41
- splashy 38
- xsplash 38
- icon-theme 35
- space 34
- hd 33
- colorful 32
- colorscheme 31
- moon 30
- purple 30
- archlinux 29
- boot 29
- megano 29
- ocean 29
- waves 29
- widget 29
- conky 27
- gimp 26
- ricing 25
- endeavouros 24
- iconset 24
- neon 24
- plasma6 24
- video 24
- blue 23
- conky-conf 23
- fantasy 23
- beach 22
- light 22
- logo 22
- plasma5 22
- gentoo 21
- kde-plasma 21
- green 20
- paint 20
- sea 20
- simple 20
- customize 19
- sunset 19
- login 18
- materia 18
- background 17
- kdesplash 17
- windows 16
- artwork-other 15
- galaxy 15
- planet 15
- 3.21
- 3.31
- 3.41
- 3.83
- 3.91
- 4.11
- 4.26
- 4.310
- 4.49
- 4.51
- 4.668
- 4.72
- 4.84
- 5.07707
- 5.110
- 5.265
- 5.318
- 5.47
- 5.542
- 5.6381
- 5.736
- 5.8197
- 5.91
- 6.018
- 6.1149
- 6.237
- 6.38
- 6.465
- 6.580
- 6.627
- 6.770
- 6.830
- 6.92
- 7.050
- 7.136
- 7.220
- 7.319
- 7.422
- 7.514
- 7.619
- 7.716
- 7.812
- 7.96
- 8.04
- 8.112
- 8.27
- 8.37
- 8.43
- 8.53
- 8.65
- 8.72
- 8.81
- 9.01
- 9.21
Search results for "manjaro splash"
- 9318 hit(s)
Kde Splash Dinamic
Plasma Splashscreens
Splash screen dynamically adjusting to match the currently set desktop wallpaper
1 day ago
Apple Splash dinamic
Plasma Splashscreens
Splash screen with a macos-like appearance that follows the user's wallpaper
1 day ago
Manjaro Splash 2.0
Plasma 6 Splashscreens
Manjaro Linux plasma splashscreen version 2
splashscreen manjaro plasma6 linux unix theme kde plasma plasma-6
May 15 2024
Cristal Bar Manjaro Splashscreen
Plasma 6 Splashscreens
Plasma 6 Splashscreen for Manjaro Linux.
splashscreen manjaro plasma6 linux unix theme kde plasma plasma-6
May 18 2024
Radial Manjaro One Plasma Splashscreen
Plasma 6 Splashscreens
Plasma Splashscreen for the Manjaro Linux.
splashscreen manjaro plasma6 linux unix theme kde plasma plasma-6
May 15 2024
Feb 06 2025
Vinyl Splash Screen
Plasma 6 Splashscreens
Vinyl Splash is part of Vinyl theme for KDE Plasma 6 desktop. It was developed with Qt6
Mar 05 2025
Manjaro Circle Splashscreen
Usplash Themes
Splashscreen for Manjaro
bootscreen linux manjaro splashes splashscreen unix usplash
Mar 20 2023
Mar 01 2025
Mar 01 2025