Search results for "unix"



Various KDE Stuff by wusel1007
A simulation of an wristwatch
linux unix extension kde plasma
May 24 2024


Various KDE Stuff by malcer
[en] getCaledonia is an universal and beautiful installer for Caledonia art suite. It can works on every UNIX-like
extension kde linux plasma unix
Aug 29 2012


Various KDE Stuff by keithhedger
Some eye candy for the holidays, including lights, trees, snowmen, pumpkins, flying sleighs and witches, snow and autumn leaves. This is along the lines of xsnow/xpenguins, and allows you to set themeable decorations on the desktop, you can choose ( at the moment ) either Halloween or Xmas...
linux unix extension kde plasma
May 23 2023


Various KDE Stuff by kotiara
KDE Service(KDED module) to Auto Set Screen Brightness
auto brightness extension kde kded linux plasma service unix
Jul 24 2022

konsole profile switcher

Various KDE Stuff by skeleton21
this script allows you to change profile on konsole when you open a particular application. installation: 1) download the script 2) marks as "executable" in the properties of the file 3) open the script and insert the application to execute between "## command to execute" (by default there is...
color extension kde konsole linux plasma profile unix
Dec 09 2021

Chromium Activities

Various KDE Stuff by skeleton21
this script allows you to have the same chrome profile open on several different activities with different saved tabs. synchronization is one way and changes to chrome settings made in another activity will not be shared with other instances of chrome. for example: adding a bookmark from the...
activities chrome extension kde kde5 linux plasma plasma5 unix
Dec 08 2021


Various KDE Stuff by friciwolf
Rocket is an application launcher for KDE Plasma. It sorts all of your applications in a horizontal or vertical grid alphabetically, so you will always find what you are looking for at first glance. No more menu navigation, only scrolling. Features: -- Customizable row and column sizes --...
extension kde kdeplasma launchpad linux menu plasma unix
Jul 23 2021

LyLibrary ITA/ENG

Various KDE Stuff by specialworld83
LyLibrary è un progetto nato dal fabbisogno comune di aver a disposizione un software in grado di catalogare libri, di cederli e nello stesso momento di poter farli rientrare. Questo metodo viene usato in tutte le biblioteche del mondo. LyLibrary non solo cataloga ma a una miriade di opzioni a ...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 26 2015

CodiceFiscale ITA/ENG

Various KDE Stuff by specialworld83
ITA LANGUAGE: Il codice fiscale in Italia è un codice alfanumerico a lunghezza fissa di 16 caratteri, ispirato dall'uso biblioteconomico, che serve ad identificare in modo univoco ai fini fiscali e amministrativi i cittadini, le associazioni non riconosciute, i contribuenti e gli stranieri nati ...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jan 26 2015


Various KDE Stuff by keluoinhac
KVNKB is a Vietnamese keyboard input for KDE. It use ukengine from source of x-unikey (thanks to Long Pham Kim for share it). KVNKB is free and open-source. You can freely use KVNKB under the terms of The GNU General Public License. Phần mềm gõ tiếng Việt cho KDE. KVNKB sử dụng ukengine của ...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Nov 28 2013