Search results for "unix"


Audio Wave Widget

Plasma 6 Multimedia by zayronXIO
This KDE Plasma plasmoid provides a real-time visual representation of audio frequencies using dynamic bars that update according to the music being played. It also displays the song title and artist name. The plasmoid activates only when music is detected. The audio analysis is performed by a...
music covergloobus linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
Mar 27 2025

google translater

Plasma 6 Applets by samirgaire10
google translater Google Translate is a widely-used online translation service provided by Google. It allows users to translate text or web pages from one language to another. You can input text manually or even translate entire web pages by providing the URL. Google Translate supports a wide...
translater google language linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
Jun 15 2024

Prime Nvidia and Intell Render Switch and Status

Plasma 6 Monitoring by jfespinal
This simple widget shows the status of your video graphics card using the "prime-select" command and lets you switch between your Nvidia card and your intel video card. Also, it gives you the option to see what version of Nvidia drivers you have and a quick shortcut to open nvidia-settings from...
drive gpu intel nvidia prime linux unix extension kde plasma widget plasma-6
Mar 21 2024

S2X conky script

Conky by kilah
infected ? You need this font because you see "unixcod" text or modify with your own text
conky extension linux unix
May 25 2010

Energy monitor

Plasma 5 Monitoring by 0xm4r71n
This Plasma 5 extensions allow you to monitor the current consumption and capacity of the battery (orange line = capacity of battery, red = consumption). Extension displays the data graphically. It is possible to set the number of samples per minute (1-60: e.g. 5 = 5x per minute plot values to...
extension kde linux monitoring plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Jan 07 2023


QtCurve by PCiupak
knowledge of unix-like systems (e.g. linux or BSD) and KDE. [u]Included stuff:[/u] – QtCurve
linux qtcurve theme unix
Dec 28 2009


E Animated Backgrounds by triki1
Update and valid links Hello all it's an infinity sexy walk, in a futuristic window, If you clic on E icon a message appear. PS: I'm not a programmer edj, I use enventor for create my themes. Thank you all members for sharing your themes background and other, it for me a good examples... you...
animation background enlightenment linux theme unix
Jun 20 2022


Cinnamon Themes by Brahimsalem
- GTK theme included - to allow panel to go beyond 60px, go to: /usr/share/cinnamon/cinnamon-settings/modules/ and edit: widget = PanelRange(dimension_text, "org.cinnamon", "panels-height", self.panel_id, _("Smaller"), _("Larger"), mini=20, maxi=80, show_value=True)
cinnamon linux theme unix
Jan 12 2021

WinConceptOS Kvantum

Kvantum by yeyushengfan258
WinConceptOS kde is a light clean theme for KDE Plasma desktop. In this repository you'll find: Aurorae Themes Kvantum Themes Plasma Color Schemes Plasma Desktop Themes Plasma Look-and-Feel Settings ------------------------------ [b]WinConceptOSWT Global...
kvantum linux theme unix
Jun 23 2020

Waves SDDM Login theme

SDDM Login Themes by thevladsoft
A Login screen with a soothing animation. Try it together with its splashscreen: [URL=]Waves splashscreen[/URL] Want to donate a cup of coffe? [URL=]PAYPAL[/URL]
linux unix
Feb 17 2019