Search results for "gtk2"


High Contrast Inverse Spectrum

GTK2 Themes by goat-avenger
This theme includes several color modifications to an original version of the High Contrast Inverse theme for the Mate Desktop Environment. Included are a Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Purple color scheme, respectively. Rather than modifying all the original icons for that theme (which...
contrast cyan gnome gtk2 high inverse linux red theme unix
May 28 2021

Espectro for Xfce

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by joseddon
joseddon's Espectro-Xfce for Xfce Desktop is a modification of the ju1464's Fantasma GTK3 theme. "Gnome" or "Papirus-Dark" icon themes and "Oxygen White" cursor theme are recommended.
espectro gtk2 gtk3 linux mate theme unix xfce
Jul 17 2020

Espectro for Gnome and Mate

GTK3/4 Themes by joseddon
joseddon's Espectro for Gnome and Mate Desktops is a modification of the ju1464's Fantasma GTK3 theme. "Gnome" or "Papirus-Dark" icon themes and "Oxygen White" cursor theme are recommended.
cinnamon gnome gtk2 gtk3 linux mate theme unix
Mar 31 2020